10 time management tips Aspiring Admins
10 Time Management Tips

Time management is all about using the time you have to your best ability. Part of that decision-making is understanding what time is available for different types of activities. Also, as an Administrative Professional, know what time you can adjust for your Executives or Managers.

Please note that there is no perfect time management tip or system. It is picking a few activities to follow and turning them into habits. Over time, you will develop a routine of creating a systematic way of managing your time.

10 Time Management Tips:

Positive Mindset for time management tips
  1. Create a positive mindset that you can manage your time instead of your time managing yourself. If you think you don’t have enough time to do everything, then panic and stress come over you. Take a minute to breathe and assess your tasks. Having a positive mindset gives you the upper hand. Know that it is okay to have a list of things to do. It’s a great reminder that you are needed!
  1. Write down everything you have on your mind in a secure placebuy milk, get gas, research this, read that book, etc. This place can be a trusted notebook, app, calendar, journal – someplace that is the same. Your brain will relax, trust your system, and allow you to use your time to focus on the task at hand.
  1. If you are responsible for other Executives’ time, find out what time schedules they prefer. Then, analyze how you can fit your time around to support them.
  1. Feeling overwhelmed with too much to do? Take one thing at a time, and identify what is the next action. If it takes 2 minutes or less to complete, do it now! If not, make a plan and execute it.
What to do, time management tips
  1. Chunk or group your like tasks together. Make a list of calls, and make them one after another – perhaps even when you are traveling in the car! Do you need to order supplies or take inventory? Set aside a specific time that won’t be easily interrupted so you can complete the task in a quick manner. Need to file documents, create a file folder, then file several simultaneously. Chunking maximizes your time by reducing task changes that can disrupt your day.
  1. Develop the method of focusing on one task at a time. Did you know that multitasking is not a thing? It is called switch-tasking. This is switching from one task to another. Constant change creates time eaters! Refocusing on a task takes roughly 20 minutes after you’ve been disrupted. That means you could only get a few things completed in a day!
  1. How many places are considered an inbox in your office? Do you have an inbox on your desk, on your door, sticky notes, bulletin board, notebook, files, etc.? To use your time effectively, pick at most 3 places – inbox, notebook, file – that’s it! If you have several, that means you have too many places to figure out what to process.
  1. Reduce the distractions in your work environment. Limit your cellphone use and only check your email with intention. You can limit distractions with a do not disturb sign or create a meeting for yourself. Keep your space organized, clutter-free, and items easy to reach within arm’s length. Organize your files, both physical and digital. Clearing your workspace also clears your mind, allowing you to focus and use your time productively.
  1. Set goals; this allows you to plan your work, decide on the results you want to achieve, and use your time wisely. You should set S.M.A.R.T. goals. See below for an explanation.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

Set SMART Goals as a time management tip
  • Be specific about your goal, and write out the steps to achieve your goals.
  • Make sure it is measurable; you need data to confirm success.
  • Is it achievable, or is it too much of a dream?
  • Be realistic. Do you have the tools and resources to complete it?
  • Make it timely, and understand how long it will take.

Here is an article on setting SMART goals for Administrative Professionals.

Check out this book for assistants: Goal Setting for Assistants.

  1. Be realistic about your time. It is better to overestimate time on a project or task than underestimate and run out of time. Always ask: “When is the latest that you need this?”. Why? This allows you to set priorities and decide where best to use your time to achieve all your tasks. If you believe everything is a priority, you haven’t prioritized or understood what needs to happen now versus later.
Dogs and time management tips

You now have 10 Time Management Tips to consider using. Pick one of the above, to begin with, understand how it applies to your work, and make a move! Keeping a positive attitude and having confidence in yourself so you, too, can manage your time!

Check out the blog on Time Management for Administrative Professionals.

Have additional tips that you’d like to share? Email me at aspiringemail@gmail.com.

be the best you motto

This blog is part of the Time Management Series:
Time Management for Administrative Professionals
10 Time Management Tips
Benefits of Time Management
Time Management Quiz
Time Management Tools
Time Management Plan

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