Read Every Day for a Growth Mindset

As Administrative Professionals, we should be looking for ways to improve ourselves. For other professionals, you, too, should be investing your time in reading every day for a growth mindset.

The more you learn in life, and no matter what you learn, more doors and new paths will open for you.

Flying High Through the Course of Life by Dr. Orma Markus Ben-Zvi

For a growth mindset, reading every day is one way. The categories of what you read should not just be fiction, drama, or crime books. Learn to blend a mix of books that can bring value to you or others around you.

Reading Every Day

Why is reading important

Reading is important because it expands your mind. Depending on what you are reading, you can learn how to do something new, perfect your craft, better understand a topic, or broaden your knowledge. You will learn new words, view different ways of writing, and be able to pick up ideas for communicating with one another. Reading is your ticket to improving yourself. Reading didn’t stop when you left school. Learning to read on various topics can give you opportunities that you may not have seen before.

Since things change so frequently in terms of industry landscape, best practices, and tools, continuous learning is important.

Awake Leadership, Hilary Grosskopf

Why you should continuously learn

Being an Executive Assistant, continuously learning is one thing I enjoy doing! To be a continuous learner, you will seek out information that can help you grow. There are so many books that you can get for free or for a low price. You can connect and find the book in each of the quotes included in this blog.

“To grow, you have to be intentional.” John C. Maxwell

Reading every day is important, be intentional in continuous learning. So many resources can help you improve and grow your mindset. It is your choice to be above the rest, to aspire to be more.

What I hear from the recruiters is that enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, and a good positive attitude is even more crucial than having perfect experience.

Be The Ultimate Assistant, Bonnie Low-Kramen

You may be asking me how reading every day has changed my life. It has. Reading something every day has widened my knowledge in the Administrative Professional field. Created topics of interest for me to discuss with my Executives, given me the ability to share supporting material on an issue my team is trying to resolve, and it has given me a more extensive vocabulary and better writing skills.

I share my experiences and my journey so that you can be the best you.

Reading Benefits

A growth mindset by reading daily

You can have a growth mindset by reading daily. Daily reading can be anything from reading chapters of books, articles on LinkedIn, an industry magazine, a website with information, or even several blogs. Each day you read, you expand your knowledge, stretch your limits, and increase your skills.

Read books that help you with communication, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and industry knowledge. Read the books your executive reads, too – and not just to proofread them.

The Leader Assistant, Jeremy Burrows

Creating a reading habit can enable you to set a healthy goal. It can serve multiple purposes. When you are proactive about your reading, you can establish a reading routine. Create it within your working schedule; you may be a working mom, a full-time student, working 40 hours a week, or running your own business. By creating this time to read, you can begin to feel empowered and strong and grow your mindset for the future. Don’t let reading every day be overwhelming; that is why setting a reasonable daily goal will help you to make a steady path.

Your worldview is limited to what you’ve seen, read, experienced, and overcome. It’s valid and it’s powerful and it’s what make you uniquely you.

The Self-Evolved Leader, Dave McKeown

For additional resources that you can read daily, check out my blog: Administrative Professional References.

Reading Strategy

I am a full-time Executive Assistant, mom of two kids in school, wife to a lovely husband, church volunteer, and blog on the side. My strategy is reading one chapter a day from a book that doesn’t necessarily have to be the same book. I do this when I wake in the morning, at lunchtime, or in the quiet evening. I find a way to get it done. Why? It is important to me.

Never let a day pass without looking at some perfect work of art, hearing some great piece of music, and reading, in part, some great book.

The Leadership Handbook, John C. Maxwell

You can make sure that you can read every day by using a reading tracker. I’ve created one specifically for you! The reading tracker allows you to fill in the month; your goal, emphasis, is on your goal – could be a chapter a day, ten pages, for a certain amount of time, whichever works for you. Make your goal challenging but attainable. Next, you have 30 bubbles; each bubble equals one day. Every day, you can check it off, write what you read, or whichever way you know to mark it done, and this will keep you accountable.

Another tip, print the reading tracker and put it with your book or in the space where you tend to do your reading.

Why you should invest in yourself

The most significant part of growing your mindset is investing in yourself. You are in charge of your career; your business is only in charge of the job. Investing in yourself can be buying books, tickets to a workshop, or purchasing a course. When you invest in yourself, it is all yours to keep, the material you learned, and the confidence to have improved yourself to be the best you.

For every dollar you invest in your own growth, you’ll increase your personal bottom line by thirty dollars.

Proactive Professional, Chrissy Scivicque
be the best you motto
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