
Ugh Mondays…

On your average Monday, do you dread coming into work? Do you sometimes hate Mondays? I’ve been there. So much that I’ve cried Sunday nights, dreading getting up the next morning to get ready for a job that I didn’t enjoy. Let’s learn how to turn your job into something you love.

It wasn’t until recently that I learned how to turn my job into something that I loved. As an Executive Assistant, there is pressure to make sure that everyone is taken care of and all the balls don’t get dropped. Yes, sometimes it happens, we aren’t all perfect. However, it is the way that I approached how to enjoy my job so much that I can confidently say that I love it.

Tasks that we love to hate

We all have tasks that aren’t going to be over the moon exciting. Honestly, there might be a few of them. But it’s about how I approached doing these tasks that made me love my job. Try altering your schedule to fit those tasks you love to hate into the time when you can get through them. Or, find ways to make them lovable!

If you are in the Administrative Professional field, then I’m sure that organization, office supplies, calendars, and such are items that you can get excited about. If I had to pick a store to shop in, it would be an Office Supply store – yes, so many pen options and notepads!!

The point is to find the things that you love and figure out how to apply them to your job. Some examples that I have done to brighten up my day.

  • Add color to Excel sheets (formatting) to make the paper pop and to give it a nice personal touch
  • Use color to coordinate your calendar and others, to make it fun and organized
  • Change your desktop wallpaper once a week – make it something positive or makes you smile
  • Write down your successes for the week – even the small ones – they add up over time
  • Suggest a new format or delivery for something that you produce but others use
  • Update the decor in your office, doesn’t have to be big – trinkets, wall painting, lamp, inspirational sayings
  • Use labels for folders, organize your files, straighten your desk, minimize your distractions – these small things can lift you up

These are just a few things I’ve done that have helped me turn my job into something I love.

What interests you in your industry?

Have you thought about what your interests are when thinking about the industry that you work in? Besides the position, I’m sure the industry was of some interest to you to have taken the job. Try reading up on topics in your industry that interest you and share them with your Executive or another team member. You don’t know what you can inspire others with if you don’t share.

Networking is another way to find a way to love your job. When you connect with others with the same passion and career, you develop confidence and pride. Yes, we are in a pandemic, but there are still so many ways to connect with others! Check out your local Chamber of Commerce or connect with others in your company. We need people to build us up, we need people to share our experiences with, we need people to encourage our challenges, and we need to do the same for others.

Be honest with yourself

If you don’t love your job, schedule a meeting with your Executive or Manager and have an honest conversation. Open up about the things you don’t love and see if there is a way to expand on what you do love and creatively make the other things more enjoyable.

Meanwhile, don’t give up. If you’ve given it all you’ve got, then you need to make a different path for yourself. Find the road to happiness, whether it is getting a different job or learning new ways to adapt that will make you smile at the end of the day.

If you are looking for more information, you can read other blog posts here: Aspiring Admins Blog Posts

You can also check out The American Society of Administrative Professionals for additional information in the Administrative Professional field.

be the best you motto
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